So theres this movie, Avatar. I'm dying to see it but something kept bugging me. And on my way to work one morning it hit me: James Cameron's color palette is straight out of the 90's.
So Cameron has the obvious obsession with the "Blue to Orange" color scheme he uses in ALL OF HIS MOVIES. But i'm ok with that. In Avatar the colors were clashing in a way i'd seen before. I was surprised when I placed some 90's color palletes next to these high res Banshee images:
Sweet jacket:


I'll keep looking for other examples but until then what do you guys think? Send any related images my way and i'll post them in the line up.
yep. i noticed the same thing. that color palette is back with a vengence, (electric blues, highlighter yellows, magenta etc.)and its everywhere now, scene kids, nike, justice, etc..
Really nice collection i like all...
i want to say something about james movie avtar is James Cameron's decade-in-the-making sci-fi dream project..
r4i software
Go to google...
type in 'poison dart frogs'
Check out a few pages of images...
Dammit're ruining my argument! Actually I understand the poison dart frog reference, and after watching the movie they did look quite awesome in motion. My observation is that James Cameron is somewhat stuck in a mid 90's visual reference point for almost all of Avatar, it works but it' still evident in the visual design choices he's made...btw what did you think of Avatar?
I watched 'Aliens' again the other day and it reminded me just how skilled a filmmaker Cameron was and is. I agree that there is alot of Avatar that was kinda struck from that same mold.And that movie is from the 80's!
Other than that, I thought it was spectacular. I hope you saw it in 3D, because my wife and I did and kinda agreed with all the hype for once.. that it was like an 'experience' rather than just viewing a film. I thought the Navi were a major leap forward in the realm of CG imagined characters, and the whole film helped me understand what was missing from all 3 of the Star Wars prequels. Emotional drama. I guess my one complaint was that the human villians were a bit broad,...kinda one-dimensional caracatures. But that still did not keep me from seeing it twice. It has joined the list of my favorite films of the year right beside Star Trek, District 9, Inglorious Basterds, Up and Coraline.
Hows about you?...
Saw it in 3d & 2d and I did like it, I was surprised at how much i liked it actually. JC managed to create a really immersive world and experience. I agree the emotional relationships were sold really well, the stakes are high and it's got a nice adventure movie feel all around. I did however walk out of the theater thinking it played out like the most expensive 90's Disney movie never made (Pocahantas, Atlantis etc.).
My biggest issue is the plot being so predictable and safe, I actually loved the the main villain, Quatrich or whatever, he was such a badass, pulpy character, in another, older, movie he would have been the hero.
But i was totally entertained and really impressed with the sheer amount of complicated effects work his team manged to pull off...
I'm with you on most points, Jorge. I still think 'District 9' is my favorite sci-fi film of the year. And done for a fraction of Avatar's budget.
But I will tell you...
...When that giant hammer-headed bird-creature Toruk grabs a chopper and slams it into the side of one of those floating 'Halellulyah' mountains....I was thinking to myself: 'it don't get much better than this...'
Halellulyah! I want a Thanator...
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