So as some of you may know i'm going to be part of a group art show that opens this Sat. at the Pop Shop gallery in Lakewood, OH. All the work is Ape related. I think through primates in art we can see and explore what it means to be human by juxtapozing our own "humanity" against the "inhumanity" of apes, which in turn reveals some often times disturbing truths about ourselves .... and they look friggin cool too.
que salvaje! parse me gustan los dos! are both going to be in the show? dont forget to save me shirt(small if possible)
love the second one. Thats tight!
these are great!
They both definitely have my seal of approval. And yeah Mauricio is small isn't he?
Hey jorge,
Awesome blog. Love the whole Ape theme. The Ape at the bottom is cool, great face on that one!
Those are 2 amazing drawings! I esp like the top one, really great!
excellent monkeys
These are wicked cOOL!
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